Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Frosting Lust

I think that the majority of the time I do a pretty damn good job eating healthy or at least close to that. I have tried to cut down on sugar in recent years and the last few months have seen me eating many bags full of spinach (which I call spinach pillows) from Costco. I seem to have some sort of mental block when it comes to chocolate cupcakes with butter cream frosting. It is like all sense of will power goes out the window. 

For the 4th of July my mom bought a giant cupcake cake and had tons of leftovers- guess who ended up with them in her freezer? ding ding ding! winner winner chicken dinner! (in my case cupcake dinner, but whatever).  So tonight, when I got home from being a busy little bee, I took one of the tupperwares out of the freezer and set it on the counter to defrost the 4 little cuties. I spent my evening working and watching t.v. thinking to myself, "you can always put them back in the freezer."


Two cupcakes later, I am sprawled out on the couch feeling like a bloated pig. And still lusting after the bit of frosting that I left at the edge of the plate. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?! I am definitely weighing myself in the morning. Maybe my week of no appetite while I was sick will help to balance it out.

Coming soon:

A clean house
A healthy body
Some physical activity
Organized files.

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