Elaine St. James has written 3 awesome books about simplifying life. I have read the first one called "Simplify your Life" and I am currently reading the second one called "Living the Simple Life." I recommend both of these if you are trying to create a more simple living environment. And although my innerness seems to be pretty simple, I am looking forward to reading the third book. In "Living the Simple Life" St. James recommends making a list of the things that complicate your life. All day, I have been mentally doing this. It seems like it clarifies problems and by identifying them, it makes it easier to also identify solutions. Here goes...
Junk mail, piles of paper, spare change, folding clothes, bills, mail, sentimental items, grocery shopping, dust, feeling pulled in too many directions, negative energy, too many books, hobby supplies, art supplies, gift wrapping supplies, bill deadlines, printers not working, broken things, no room for my shoes, old paper records, fabric stains, recyclables, car issues, medical insurance, issues with family members, PCs.
This list is sure to grow, and as it does, so will my solutions.