Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Work Out Warrior

I finally had a day where I felt less like a work out wannabe and more like a work out warrior. Usually, when I am at the gym a basketball game or some other ESPNesque event is on the many televisions which are not generally of interest to me. However, yesterday I was at the gym at a different time of day and a comedy was on. I realized that I could listen to it with my headphones. DUH! I am totally a tv junkie. If my husband puts on a tv show for just 30 seconds, I am hooked. So, it looks like I found the key to stamina enough to stay on the eliptical for over an hour: watch tv. I must say that it is very rare that television is the answer to anything good, but in this case I must say a great big thank you to the writers at That 70s Show although anything besides ESPN or FOX news probably would have worked just as well.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 2 of Working Out...Oh Lordy!

Ok, so I must have felt very ambitious earlier today. I brought my gym clothes to work, changed into them after work, got my nails done and walked to the gym. Got there just in time for a core workout class. Oh. Ouch. They were all out of lighter weights, so I took the 8 pounders, which is too much for me I found out.  My arms are still shaking slightly. But, I held my own. Then took part of an abs class, and did 13 minutes on the eliptical before I mentally threw my hands in the air and headed towards home. Pretty happy with my work today, but nervous about how motivated I will feel tomorrow if my arms and abs are still sore. We will see....

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Dreaded Gym Month Begins

Just time for a quick entry. March started today, which also means that the month of physical activity is beginning. In theory, it sounds fabulous. Unfortunately, theory doesn't take into account my awful sloth-like nature which tends to sway more towards the couch than the gym. I lack discipline. There, I said it. I didn't even make it all the way through the "no facebook" month. I made it pretty far though, and got rid of a few bad habits (e.g. having facebook open behind whatever else I am working on, having my computer open while watching tv with my husband even though I know it bothers him, and thinking in status updates). So, bottom line for February- slightly failed, but it served the purpose I was hoping for- a detox of sorts.

So yes, we have established that I lack discipline, and apparently we have also established that I lack the ability to finish a train of thought. Hmmm...where was I? Oh, yes. The gym. I first tried to get out of going by beginning an at home yoga program. When hubby showed up and was wanting to go, it created the ideal motivation. Why is it so hard to motivate myself I wonder? Anyways, I went, I elipticalized, and I feel good that I didn't fail myself on the very first day. One down, 30 more to go. Cheers to living The Skinny Life (literally in this case :)).